Water Safety is the #1 Priority

Apr 27, 2015by Mark Zalewski

Water safety is the most important subject for Wild West. It doesn’t matter if you’re enjoying time poolside or taking a bath, water safety must be priority number one (as I write this blog post, a child was lost in Phoenix, AZ). As another fun swim season approaches, there are four main focus points we want to touch on.


No matter what the duration of swim is, a designated supervisor needs to be present. This means that an adult, who knows how to swim, is present watching water at any time there are swimmers active. It doesn’t matter if the entire swimming party is trained how to swim, certain situations arise where a supervisor is necessary. It’s helpful if the supervisor has a unique article of clothing or a colorful wristband on so that everyone knows who is supervising. The supervisor should be positioned in such a manner so that he or she is not distracted by a text, phone call or the bar-b-que.

Barriers and Alarms 

Every swimming pool should have some sort of barrier with is. While every pool fence is unique every swimming pool fence should have an alarm. We have a variety of alarms at Wild West. While supervision is the most important, we at Wild West want to take the most safety precautions we can. It’s very hard to keep track of the little ones all of the time. Having a door alarm in place will prevent any unanticipated breach onto the pool deck. If you don’t have one on your pool fence now, get one. If you don’t have a pool fence in the first place, please contact a local company to come install one.

Swim Lessons

Regardless if you’re around a pool occasionally or not, it’s very important to be professionally trained on how to swim. Even though it may be not often you swim, life situations happen where swimming may be involved. It’s important that everyone knows how to swim. Not only does it enrich your life on a social landscape but it will prevent a potential hazards later on in life.

CPR Certification

In case of emergency, it’s extremely important for someone on deck to be CPR certified. When an emergency happens, 911 needs to be notified immediately, but when 911 is on the way CPR will be able to save a life. It’s never a bad thing to have and most communities have free CPR training available.